Samantraka Upāsana - Meditation with Mantras
"Samantraka" means that which is reinforced or solemnised by the recitation of a mantra.
Krishnamacharya insisted that any yoga practice should be practised samantraka - with mantra - as this accentuates and strengthens the effect of any yogic practice.
We can use the mantra as a metric of the breath in both Āsanas and Prāṇāyamas, the mantra acts as a focus to direct the mind, so that any samantraka practice becomes a meditative practice.
The proposal of this class is to use the sound of the Mantra as a focus of meditation (Upāsana). We will use simple movements chanting the mantra to prepare body, mind and breath to be able to sit comfortably in a Āsana. We will use Prāṇāyāma, using the mantra as a breathing metric to leave the mind alert and focused for the meditation process.
We will include other elements such as Saṁkalpa fixing an intention; Mudra-s specific hand gestures that seek a certain alignment of the energy system; Nyāsa-s, placing the hands on different parts of the body reciting the mantra, with the purpose of invoking in them certain attributes of the mantra; Japa Mantra repetition of the sound with intention visualising the attributes of the sound. Our practice will seek to focus, achieve a deep connection and in that inner state of mind, plant a seed: a change in our lives, an acceptance, a forgiveness, a forgiveness-forgiveness, awakening an attribute. The seed will depend on the goal we set out to work towards.
- The meetings will be weekly and the class will last 1 hour
- Each proposal will be held for 4/5 meetings, in this way we will give the seed time to germinate
- The students will take the drawing home with them to deepen the experience