The art of mastering the breath

Definition of Prāṇāyāma - Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā
"cale vāte calam cittam niścale niścalam bhavet yoghī sthāṇutvamāpnoti tato vāyum nirodhayet"

If the breath is agitated, the mind is agitated, when the breath is in harmony, the mind is also in harmony.  Therefore the yogi learns to regulate the breath in order to obtain stability of the mind.

This course proposes an encounter with your prana (vital energy), we will progressively move towards an intimate encounter with our breath.  First by observing it, registering the breathing pattern we bring. Then we will develop a relationship with it, inviting it little by little to enter into a harmonious state… where the breath goes, goes the mind.

What benefits will you get?

−Eliminate impurities from your body
−Strengthen your breathing
−Improve your digestion
−More energy
−Eliminate impurities on an emotional level
−Reduce stress and anxiety
−Improve sleep
−Improved concentration
−Clear mind - full of light!

"To cure the ills of the body, use the body (āsanas). To cure the discomfort of the mind, practise prāṇāyama (conscious breathing)"

T. Krishnamacharya