Pregnancy is one of the most sacred moments in life. A new being is created within you, sharing this moment of life with other women generates security and confidence.

"When women accompany each other as a tribe they increase their strengths"

Practising group yoga during pregnancy is very beneficial for both mother and baby, not only because we generate a unique and special moment with our baby, but also because the careful movements and conscious breathing generate a state of physical and mental well-being that benefits both.

“Mothers go through an avalanche of emotions, happiness, fear, doubts and everything is perfectly normal because even though we are happy we do not know what will happen, but nevertheless we are willing to walk the path”.

Yoga is a multidimensional system, which means that it does not only act on the physical plane but also on the mental and emotional plane. Through its tools we can go through our pregnancy connected, reflective, enjoying each stage, accepting the changes. Preparing our body and mind so that at the moment of birth we can resort to different techniques already learned and incorporated, which begin to flow intuitively.

I propose a space to accompany you during this process of changes in your body and mind. We will work in a personalised way, the classes will be aimed at removing typical pregnancy ailments as well as strengthening and making your body more flexible.

You will learn to use breath and sound to access inner spaces of peace and confidence.

“When the breath quiets, the mind quiets… the body relaxes” … and this is the ideal state for all our intuitive, ancestral knowledge to emerge at the moment of giving birth.

Comments from students:

“Girls, make the most of the space that Denise gives us!!! Because it not only helps us in those most difficult moments of childbirth, but it allows us to live pregnancy in such a beautiful way, so special and with such a connection with our baby! Thank you Denise! Kisses and good luck !!!!” Mariela Cendon

“Tommy was also born by caesarean section and when I was already in the operating room my nerves got the better of me, so like Magela it helped me a lot to breathe and concentrate on Denise’s voice, also the breastfeeding talk we had had was very helpful.” Luciana Balbastro

“I was calm and happy because my baby was arriving early. When I went into surgery Denise’s voice guiding my breathing to be calm for her and for me, was of GREAT HELP!!!! I hope you are all doing very very well, and again Denise THANK YOU, for guiding us in such a LOVING way on this incredible journey.” Magela Zanotta

Why is Yoga recommended during pregnancy?

Pregnant women often come to us with recommendations for "yoga classes". They rarely know what it is and how they can benefit from it.
Life is a constant change (pariṇāma). One of the periods of greatest change in women is "pregnancy". Faced with these changes we must "adjust, accommodate" in order to be able to cope with them better.
YOGA helps us to adapt, not to create resistance, always taking into account the pregnant woman as a unique individual who is going through this condition. .
Not all women come to the yoga class with the same situation, independently of "being pregnant" it can happen that they got pregnant when they least expected it, it can be a pregnancy insistently sought, with assisted fertilisation, etc.
YOGA will help you to adjust to this new situation. It is a fantastic tool that gives us stability and from this stability it helps us to go through the changes that are going to happen.
As the belly grows and projects towards a "full moon", we become aware that there is another being growing inside us. It is not just: "I am pregnant", it is "there is a new being inside of me". A new relationship, an intimate connection with our baby is born and nurtured. It is one of the most precious relationships we can have and it is important to start nurturing it from the very beginning in a positive way. Yoga helps you to develop this bond.
Then comes the moment of birth where joy and fear intermingle. If you have practised Yoga, you will know how to breathe, how to follow the obstetrician's instructions and when you hear "push, push", you will do exactly that because you will have learned to be relaxed, attentive and stable, confident in what you are capable of doing.
Why are group yoga classes important during pregnancy?

We think that the "sanga" (the group) is a very important element during this period. All the students are on the same path. Sharing each one's problems, fears and anxieties is a great help and gives us the peace of mind of knowing that "I am not alone during this time".
Is there a special Yoga practice during this period?

In the KHYF (Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation) they teach us:
“Keep pregnant women happy “ .
“Teach the class as if you were teaching for the babies”
There are specific postures for each trimester, postures that are suitable for each individual woman. This requires a committed and responsible study that all KHYF teachers who teach pregnancy classes go through. Nothing is left to chance.
Some students come to class expecting headstands, twisting, challenging postures. The pregnant woman's system is already overloaded. That is why we seek to relax, strengthen and relax, working on the breath in a simple way, with specific pranayamas with the same goal: to prepare the body, mind, breath and emotions for this big change.
When they ask me "Why don't we do headstand, shoulder stand ...etc?" I answer them that those postures are not going to help them when they are in the delivery room. But rather to have a calm breath, a focused mind, connected with your babies. Most importantly, the full conviction (śraddha) that everything will go well because the woman intrinsically has that inner wisdom to "give birth".