Postgraduate in Yoga and Pregnancy for Latin America

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This course is aimed at Yoga Practitioners and Teachers, doulas, obstetricians, midwives and health professionals in relation to pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

The aim of this course is to offer a vision of pregnancy from the perspective of Yoga in order to bring physical, emotional and spiritual well-being to both the mother and her baby.

You will obtain reliable information to take into account when designing a group or personalised Yoga practice. You will learn how to safely use the tools of Yoga to accompany women in the different stages of pregnancy.

We start on …………  – sign up now and reserve your place!

Pregnancy is not an illness but a transitory state in a woman’s life. However, during this period the body, mind, breath, emotions, are affected by big and subtle changes that can be uncomfortable and bring discomfort.

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Yoga and Pregnancy online Postgraduate Course live online

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Start: 2024

Duration: 6 meetings by Zoom


Zoom Schedule: 17:00 to 20:30 hs

Content: 18 hs live online + 7 hs of recorded practices + 3 hs bonus video post natal yoga/ Shantala Introduction + Mantras and Vedic Chants + Digital Support Material

Modality: Online Course live transmission via Zoom + Recordings of Practices and other materials

Participants will be provided with notes and will be able to participate via zoom.  During the live lectures you will be able to ask questions, and a Whatsapp group will be open during the course period to answer any doubts that may arise. The classes will be recorded so you will be able to watch them again during the course and 2 months after the end of the course.

Taught by: Denise Duprat – Certified KHYF Teacher – INDIA – Postgraduate in Yoga and Pregnancy – INDIA – Vedic Chanting Teacher – Instructor Kriśnamacharya Lineage Teacher 

Coordinated by: Centro Yoga Baires

Spaces are limited, reserve your space! Online Certificate of Attendance will be given

Steps to register:

  • Pay the first installment as a deposit or the total amount of the course.
  • Request the payment form by email to – IMPORTANT: you must complete and send us this form so that your payment can be computed and the access and material can be sent to you before the course.

If you have any questions, please write to ……..

Why do this course?

Pregnancy is a transitory but very transformative state in a woman's life. During this period the body, the mind, the breath, the emotions, are affected by big and subtle changes that can be uncomfortable. It is in this context that the practice of Yoga can accompany this whole process, alleviating discomfort, calming the mind and generating in the mother a state of deep connection with herself and, her capacity to nurture this new life that is growing inside her. If you want to prepare yourself to accompany your students or women in general when they enter this stage, this course is for you! The course is theoretical and practical. It includes āsana practices, specific prānāyāma techniques for the different stages, mantras, nyāsas and dhyānam (meditation).
What will you learn?

In this course you will learn to apply the tools of Yoga to contribute in a positive way:
– Understanding what is the deep purpose of a Healthy Conception
– Philosophical insight from the Yoga/Samkhya
– The Importance of Parental Health
– A Yoga and Ayurvedic Perspective
– What NOT to do
– Yoga Tools NOT for Pregnancy

How Yoga tools can contribute positively to:
– Metabolism
– Circulatory system
– Fluid retention
– Sleep disorders
– Energy level
– Back pain
– Heartburn
– Constipation
– Mental and emotional stability
– Deepening the bond with the baby
Tools we will learn to use

– Āsanas: how to modify them
– Use of elements as support
– Special sequences for pregnancy
– Examples of classes and vinyasas
– Situation-specific Prānāyāma techniques
– Mantras that act on a subtle level and promote nourishment, mental calm, inner strength, etc
– Meditations that connect us to our baby and help us as an anchor during pregnancy and pregnancy and for the preparation work
– What to consider when starting classes - elements, timetables, student records, etc

BONUS: Post Natal and introduction to Shantala

An online certificate with the logo and letterhead of Centro Yoga Baires, endorsed by Yoga Alliance. Once you have completed the course, you will receive two types of certificates: CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE and/or CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE AND UNDERSTANDING (this certificate is awarded after successfully completing a quiz)