Are you practising the best Yoga for you?

An individual Yoga practice is very different from a group practice. In India and other parts of the world many practitioners continue to enjoy the benefits of this format.

The idea is to put together a practice according to your specific needs, abilities and goals. This allows us to more efficiently address your personal objective. First we will teach you the practice, then you will do it daily at home.

Book your first session by communicating via WhatsApp 0493 231 374 or email: and I will contact you as soon as possible.

What can I work on in my yoga practice?

Students come to the consultations with varied objectives: from relieving chronic or acute pain in some area of the body to obtain greater flexibility in general, to breathe better; to start meditative practices, to reduce stress and anxiety levels, to improve sleep and rest quality, to achieve greater mental concentration, to deepen and generate more awareness in a particular stage of life (changes, pregnancy, crisis); accompanying and/or activating a fertility process; helping to reduce unwanted effects in medical treatments or rehabilitation processes; deepening a change that aims to improve the quality of life; alleviating an emotional imbalance; getting rid of fears or changing a pattern or habit of life.
What requirements do I need to have?

Want to practice; be willing to make a regular space in your personal sphere (a daily practice can last 20 minutes with concrete effects). Be willing to commit - at least - the first three meetings (within the first month or month and a half) to give you the appropriate space for observation and recording of its effects.
What tools will we use?

The tools that could be used are: āsanas (postures), prāṇāyama (conscious breathing), reflection (meditation), ritual, mudras, mantras, chanting, visualisation, food suggestions and others. The tools are defined according to each individual's need. 20 minutes of practice has an amazing effect. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED.
Who is it for?

It is aimed at someone who has never done Yoga and wants to start, as well as for those who already practice and want to deepen their practice and also for Yoga teachers who want to consult on their practice and reorganize it or set new goals in a consistent and prolonged way.
How is it implemented?

The way it is implemented is through:
1) A first consultation in which a complete interview of the student is carried out and, from this meeting, a personalised practice is designed.
2) A series of classes (more often during the first month) in which the teacher teaches the student how to carry out their practice and supervises it throughout the month.
3) Monthly classes and then more spaced out classes, with the teacher supervising and adjusting the practice according to the the changes that are generated. To start we have to arrange these 3 first interviews. It is not possible to start with personal practice from a single isolated interview. This is the way we can guarantee a careful process. After that first month, the consultations start to be spaced out. It is worth noting that a regular practice of twenty minutes a day usually has a more powerful effect than group practices of two hours a week. Group practices add to this process (both can be combined) and are very effective among those who cannot take up the habit of daily practices.

Personal Practice | $90
Personal Practice 5 x class | $400

To book a Group or Personalised class, please phone/whatsapp Denise Duprat: 0493 231 374 or email .

Bank transfers:
BSB: 033095
Account number: 619711
Account name: Denise Duprat

We also accept cash payments.


Write your message and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.

0493 231 374 (Melbourne)


96 Mimosa Rd
Carnegie VIC 3163

"Teach what is within you but not as it applies to you, but as it applies to the one before you."

T. Krishnamacharya